M. A. Demers is a freelance writer, editor, and fine art photographer now based in Edmonton, Alberta (after 21 years in Vancouver, BC).
In addition to her long-form publications, Demers blogs on the subjects of self-publishing, art, culture, and whatever else she feels compelled to write about; ghostwrites production notes for Hollywood films (over 40 to date); lectures and teaches on the subject of self-publishing; and formerly wrote screenplays (six spec and four commissioned scripts, one optioned documentary project, and was the uncredited story editor on the award-winning MOW A Cooler Climate, starring Sally Field and Judy Davis). Demers has had many editorials and articles published in print or online, and is a featured essayist in Writing About Literature: A Guide for the Student Critic by W. F. Garrett-
On the photography side, Demers began her career in the late 1980s in Edmonton where she exhibited in several solo and group shows including at the Fringe Festival, The Works art festival, and with Celebration of Women in the Arts; she also took on small commercial assignments and acted as a creative consultant on other artists’ projects. In 1992 she moved to London, England, where out of necessity she abandoned her photography career though she remained attached to the industry through her position as an events producer with the Association of Photographers (where she also taught creativity workshops and wrote for Image magazine). In 1995 she returned to Canada to work in the film industry, and in 2007 turned her attention again to fine art photography but without forsaking her writing. Over the past eight years the tables have turned again, and most of her time these days is spent writing and editing.
Demers has a Bachelor of Arts Degree (with Distinction) from the University of Alberta with a major in Women’s Studies and minors in Art and Design and Religious Studies. She has volunteer experience in a third world development agency (Edmonton), in a shelter for battered women and their children (Edmonton), in women’s arts organizations (Edmonton, Vancouver), and in an adult ESL program (Vancouver). Afflicted by wanderlust, Demers has travelled through parts of North and Central America, Europe, Central and South Asia, and the Middle East.
Select Media Coverage
“My Review of The Point Between.” Teresa Trent, Cozy Mystery Writer (teresatrent.com), 18 November 2015. (website)
“Writing Life” Interview, Vancouver Co-op Radio, 100.5 FM, 6 January 2015 (audio file).
“M. A. Demers shares her novel: Baby Jane.” David A Cleinman’s Writings (davidcleinman.com), 17 August 2011.
“Kindle Author Interview: M. A. Demers.” Kindle Author, 29 June 2011.
“Book Review: Baby Jane.” Booked Up, 7 June 2011.
“WIFVV Interview: Joyce Thierry and Michelle Demers.” Women in Film and Video Vancouver Newsletter, No. 40, Spring 2001.
“Creativity, Not Cash, Key to Successful Promotion Materials.” Women in Film and Video Vancouver Newsletter, No. 31, Winter 1999.
“Mission Implausible.” Vancouver Magazine, December 1997.
Company bio, Association of Photographers, Image Magazine, No. 232, January 1995.
“Lateral Thinking II.” Image Magazine, May 1995.
“Lateral Thinking.” Image Magazine, No. 226, July 1994.
“In Their Own Words.” Artichoke, 40, Winter 1991.
Thank you! I don’t have them online outside of my site, but I can put it up on ebay or similar is you wish to buy. Please let me know which one and I’ll check if I have a copy available.
Hello , I came across your work while looking up some site seeing ops for my wife and think your work is great – really original and dynamic – I am really much interested in your original art piece to surprise my wife. I am a novice and am eager to start collecting art. I’m from IN , USA . Marc .
Fixed. The allow registration box somehow became unchecked.
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The jetpack better follow button plugin would enable people to receive notices about specific posts or possibly for new posts.
Dear Michelle
I hope you’re well.
I come back to you to ask if you can assist me in a final chapter of my story that you started with me 11 plus years ago…
Can you please call me anytime
Hi Tami,
You will be looking for what is called a short-run digital printer who can build a perfect bound paperback. Many do these days but the cost per unit will be high in Vancouver. What most there do is list through CreateSpace, order publisher copies, and ship to Point Roberts or Blaine. You will need an import permit to bring that many copies across the border, but that is free. You just have to call the Canada Revenue Agency and get a business number, to which they will add importer status (http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/bn-ne/mprtxprt-eng.html). You then fill out the paperwork at the border (using their computers, and the guards are usually helpful with that), pay the GST, and you’re done.
If you decide you want to go local anyway, ask how they print the cover. There are two options: 1) print to laminate, and laminate the cover image onto plain paper; 2) print image on paper, cover with clear laminate. The latter is preferable. CreateSpace uses the former, Ingram the latter.
I cannot recommend any particular local book printer as I have not used any for that purpose.
Hi Michelle,
I wonder if you know of a printing company in Vancouver which could print 25 -50 copies of my novel for distribution to reviewers, etc? ( Do we have to go to Ingram or similar?) I finally have it listed on Amazon ( e-book only), The Bloody Business of Luck, but know I now have to tackle the marketing aspect (. . . sigh). Your workshop at VPL was very informative and the “Global Indie Author” has been a big help, but I’m finding things a little “daunting”. Any tips you can suggest would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks! Tami
Hi Rosemary,
I will contact you at the email you provided when you registered your comment.
Hi M.A.,
I want to generate a discussion to facilitate the self-publishing my first book. The book is completed. The title is: Quest for Love in the Fast Lane: A woman in transition. It is told from a student’s perspective in journal format as she experiences a class in Women’s Studies, Women in Transition which is a life span course addressing the issues women face after the seemingly “achievement of all of our rights”. The book covers the semester of her final year at the university as she is experiencing senioritis ending with a final paper on what she learned in the course. The book is practical as it is filled with stories from my clients, students and my own creating characters the combine these people to protect all concerned. The stories are real the characters are not.
I taught Women’s Studies for sixteen years at Oakland University as I am also a counselor of women. I wanted to write this book to remind my prior students the valuable information they were exposed to and then to an expanded audience as the topic of Women’s Studies is taken out of the classroom beyond the walls of the university.
Now that I have finished the book I wander around the internet for some direction. I found your information on Goodreads Authors editor page. I am looking to self-publish because I do not have the money or inclination for all of the rejection of attempting to find a publishing company who will pay me. Basically what I am seeking is guidance of an area that is not in my wheelhouse.
I look forward to hearing from you to see if we are a good fit. Thank you!
Rose Hughes