Amazon expand payment options for indie authors

Indie authors operating outside the U.S. have long complained about the limited payment options available to them by Amazon, particularly with regards to receiving payments by EFT (electronic funds transfer), which not only reduces the author’s cost to receive payments but lowers the payment thresholds. Well, Amazon have begun to address this issue with expanded payment options, though the stickler for many is still payments: while authors in Canada, Japan, and India can now receive payments converted into your local currency and paid by EFT into your Canadian, Japanese, or Indian bank, all other non-U.S. authors are still restricted to receiving USD cheques (checks).

Canadian or Japanese authors, in fact, can now have all sales except for Brazil converted to Canadian dollars or Japanese yen, respectively, and paid into a Canadian or Japanese bank.

UK and EU authors will also now see more options for converting sales in other currencies to the pound or euro and paid by EFT.

For full details, see the Amazon payment page.


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