Do you have an International Standard Name Identifier?

A new identifier has been developed that is assigned not to creative works but to the creators, and claims it will solve the problem of name ambiguity. An author, then, would not merely name themselves as the copyright holder on their book’s copyright page, but would add this number as well, uniquely identifying themselves. This number would also be added to ebook metadata and to ISBN data, for example. The ISNI database thus far has been built mostly by harvesting data from ISBN agencies and from library databases. You can Read More …

ISBNs and the self-publisher Part V: the advantages (and a few disadvantages) of owning your ISBN

(This is abbreviated text from The Global Indie Author.) The advantages to owning your ISBNs are: Increased Distribution Options Most vanity publishers and aggregators have limited distribution partners (often only one for print and maybe a half-dozen for ebooks). If you own your ISBN you can contract with as many wholesale distributors as you wish including Lightning Source, which is owned by Ingram, are U.S.-based and have two international subsidiaries, an extensive list of distribution partners, and give you access to the libraries and academic markets as well. Optics If Read More …