2 thoughts on “Who benefits most from Amazon’s new Kindle Scout?”

  1. I keep going back to Amazon’s KDP because that is the best way for an unknown like myself to get known. I’ve tried other platforms, but they don’t help with marketing like Amazon. Those free days in KDP (though maybe not as great now) get me out to hundreds of people. Sure, they aren’t paid downloads, but people are reading me. It gives me sales, and reviews most of the time. I wouldn’t mind to expand beyond Amazon, but they just offer so much.

  2. In what ways do Amazon help with marketing? Sure, you can put your book up for free, or on sale, but you still have to drive the traffic there yourself through your own marketing efforts. The hot site right now is Bookbub, but Bookbub is VERY expensive. So you spend money to give your book away for free?

    Kobo regularly put on indie ebook promotions in which Kobo do the marketing. The cost to the author is the value of the promo discount, which is deducted from revenues. So the more you sell, the higher the cost of the promotion, but if you sell well you likely won’t care, and it will still be cheaper than Bookbub. Authors on Kobo can also put their ebooks on sale simply by setting up a promo date, just as one does on Amazon, except that Kobo do not require authors to give Kobo exclusivity for the option to do so.

    Many of the sites like Bookbub focus on Amazon because the site is an Amazon affliate; not only does the site make money off the author’s ad, but the site also makes money off any Amazon sales of the book, and any other purchases the consumer makes during the same visit, if they enter the Amazon site through the third-party link. If sites like Kobo want to achieve the same traction, they need to set up affiliate programs, which is the main incentive to the website developer.

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